Top 10k strings from Pearl Harbour (1983)(Sabresoft)[a].z80
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /
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4 "PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" 3 a(j),b(j);p$(i) 2 y(f)=y(f)+1 2 x(f)=x(f)+1 2 v(f)=x(f): 2 a(j)=a(j)-1 2 of any squadron?(y/n) 1 y(f)=y(f)-1 1 y(e)=y(e)-1 1 y(e)=y(e)+1 1 x(m),y(m);p$(i) 1 x(f),y(f);p$(i) 1 x(f),y(f);" 1 x(e)=x(e)-1 1 x(e)=x(e)+1 1 v(n),w(n);p$(i) 1 v(m)=x(m): 1 v(m),w(m);p$(i) 1 v(f),w(f);p$(i) 1 sscore>155 1 sscore=155 1 score=score+sscore 1 k(d),l(d);" 1 instructions 1 b(j)=b(j)-1 1 b(j)=b(j)+1 1 a(n),b(n);p$(i) 1 a(j)=a(j)+1 1 a(j),b(j);p$(1 1 a(f),b(f);p$(i) 1 a(f),b(f);" 1 Zero On Your TailTail 1 You Have Been Shot Down! 1 You Have Been Killed By A Zero!> 1 The Japanese Have Been Defeated!> 1 High Score 1 Aircraft Shot Down 0 1 ;"Score this round" 1 ;"Score "; 1 ;"SELECT DIFFICULTY LEVEL 1 TO 4"; 1 ;"SELECT ANTI-AIRCRAFT GUN"; 1 ;"RED ALERT" 1 ;"Please Wait" 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE" 1 ;"It is 6.45 am."; 1 ;"INTERCEPTION" 1 ;"Do you want to see instructions?"; 1 ;"Do you want to see High Score Table which will be displayed until you press a key?(y/n)" 1 ;"Do you want to change heading 1 ;"CONGRATULATIONS!!!"; 1 ;"All aircraft scrambled" 1 ;"Air Raid Warning!" 1 ;"ANOTHER GAME ?"; 1 ;"A large force of aproaching 1 ;"1>FAST"; 1 ;"(1 IS HARDEST)" 1 ;" When 'scroll?' appears at the bottom of the screen press 'y' when you have read instructions" 1 ;" If you break out of the programby mistake then restart with GOTO 40"; 1 ;" Do you want to change heading 1 ;" You will see a map of Oahu island.The possible targets are the harbour (H),and the main airfields ( 1 ;" You will be given the chance of scrambling P40 fighters to investigate this intrusion of your airspace,or you can relax and take another sip of your coffee." 1 ;" You have reached one of todaystop scores.When the High Score Table is displayed you may enteryour name (up to 4 letters)." 1 ;" You are sipping your coffee, trying to keep your tired eyes open and concentrate on the 1 ;" The yellow aircraft are your squadrons and you can direct them,when prompted,towards the magenta aircraft who have failed to answer requests for 1 ;" Enemy aircraft approaching! 1 ;" Do you want to change the 1 5 West,6 South,7 North,8 East " 1 " If you wish to see instructionsfor scrambling aircraft then press 's'." 1 " If you wish to relax then press'r'." 1 " 5>West 6>South 7>North 8>East" 1 " Your orders are to intercept and attack." 1 " You will have the choice of a manoeuvrable but difficult to control gun,or a slower and morecontrollable gun.": 1 " You will be asked if you wish to change the heading of any of your squadrons.If you reply 'y' then you will be asked in turn if you wish to change the 1 " You must move your sight 1 " You may enter either upper or lower case letters." 1 " You cannot fly off the edges of the map,but from time to timeyou may receive reinforcements, on the south edge of the map, from the aircraft carrier 1 " You are manning a quick firinganti-aircraft gun aboard USS CALIFORNIA which will bring downany aircraft with one hit." 1 " Unfortunately his fighter is better than yours." 1 " The table will be displayed until you press any key." 1 " The directions you may fly in are :-" 1 " The boredom is suddenly brokenby a blip on the radar screen moving from the north.You rub your eyes and try to raise some enthusiasm as you make an entry in the day's logbook." 1 " The 'VALS' are very tough and will need more than one accurateburst of fire to bring them 1 " THE POSITIONS SHOWN FOR THE HOSTILE AIRCRAFT ARE THE LAST KNOWN POSITIONS,ALTHOUGH THE POSITIONS FOR YOUR AIRCRAFT ARE THE ACTUAL POSITIONS." 1 " Something seems wrong : the Flying Fortresses you were 1 " Only fire when the enemy 1 " Once again the control keys are 5>LEFT 6>DOWN 7>UP 8>RIGHT 0>FIRE.The only other key used is the 'm'(PAUSE) key.When 1 " On completion of this skirmishyou will return to the island map to attempt more 1 " Now is the time for you to change history!" 1 " If you manage to intercept theenemy aircraft you will leave the map,and get a view from the cockpit of one of the 1 " If you do not change the 1 " If you are unlucky enough to get a 'ZERO' fighter on your tail then you can only use the keys '6' for down and '7' for up,to try and dodge his fire." 1 " Eventually all Japanese 1 " Beginners are advised to startwith the slower gun." 1 " Ammunition is unlimited,so fire as often as you like.The 'ZERO' fighters which fly 1 " 'VAL' dive bombers will fly across your path,and you can manoeuvre using the following keys :-" 1 transferred to the defence of 'Pearl harbour'." 1 towards you,machine gunning the decks of the ships,are your onlydanger,and as the game continuestheir fire becomes more accurateand deadly." 1 targets,and then you are 1 radar screen in front of you. " 1 pressed the action is frozen until you press any other key." 1 precaution?(y/n)" 1 interceptions." 1 intercepting fighters." 1 identification." 1 heading of this squadron?(y/n)" 1 heading of any squadron then they will move in the direction that they are heading." 1 heading of a particular squadron." 1 expecting are early,and should be coming from the west." 1 enemy fighters towards you." 1 amongst the flak bursts,which hide enemy fighters,and fire when anything comes across your sights." 1 alerted." 1 aircraft will reach their 1 aircraft has been picked up on radar.Do you wish to scramble your fighter aircraft as a 1 aircraft are in the centre of the screen,as excessive firing will draw the attention of 1 Man anti-aircraft guns" 1 LEFT DOWN UP RIGHT FIRE" 1 Input new direction 1 Enterprise which has been 1 5 6 7 8 0